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Fresh New Leaf

If you're ready to grow, evolve and make real changes in your life, you've come to the right place.

Support. Knowledge. Accountability.


About Me

Empowering Smart & Ambitious Women Through Self-Discovery & Personal Development

I believe that personal growth and evolution are within reach - you just have to be ready to try, willing to grab it and able to achieve it.   Change and transformation are not only my passions, but defining aspects of my life. Even with many years of personal and professional experience, I continue to seek ways to expand my knowledge, develop my skills and apply my experience, so I can provide the best support to my clients.   My personalised approach ensures that no matter where you're currently at, I can help you dig deep, get real and be laser-focused on your goals so that you achieve the growth and success you're looking for.

Our Services

  • 30 min

  • 1 hr 30 min

    397 British pounds

Client Testimonials

What They Have to Say

I truly thought I was in control of my life, in terms of work balance & home...

I began to see what differences I could make with myself rather than worrying about what I could do for others. I began to focus on goals to make change & used tools that could help me reset.

The overall experience has been well & truly life-changing!

Our coaching sessions have now given me a sense of direction & purpose and I am no actively working on goals I previously didn't know where or how to start on.

Before working with Bianca, I was at a crossroads in my career...

It felt like I was just going with the career was not something I was in charge of. After my first session I started to see things more clearly and began working on different techniques to increase my confidence and take charge.

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