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It's Time To Make Phenomenal Progress!

Go from overworked, overtired and overextended to reclaiming your energy, vibrancy and confidence.

Hey, smart, ambitious woman. I see you.

You’re a high-achiever, juggling all the balls, fast approaching burnout and desperately looking for more balance. You constantly feel as though you're chasing your tail - I know it must be feeling a little overwhelming and a lot exhausting…

...I get it because I’ve been there. Constantly working hard and making little progress. Not sure how to say 'no' or feeling confident enough to do so.


Aren't you tired of feeling exhausted, run ragged, and constantly stressed?


Let's face it we all lead busy and hectic lives these days. There is always so much to do and somehow never enough time to do it.


This leaves us feeling overwhelmed by priorities, exhausted by commitments and ultimately leads us to feeling less than amazing about ourselves.


Do you spend all day working, but when night comes, you feel like you have more to do or you've barely done anything at all?


Are there tasks, duties or responsibilities that are looming over your head in an unfinished state? Perhaps the next day seems too far away to address them, but today you simply don't have the time.


Do you feel guilty because you keep putting something off until tomorrow or maybe even the next day?


Do you feel confused with all the decisions that need to be made, leaving you with seemingly impossible choices?


Are your relationships suffering because you're not 'present' or you're feeling like life is just passing you by?

How long have you felt this way and how much longer will you allow it to continue?


Opening up for April 2024

Sign up to the mailing list and reserve your spot in the next available group. 

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Hi I’m Bianca, your Coach, Mentor, Trainer and ready to be on your team!

I know all too well what it feels like to be right where you are now.


With so many priorities, responsibilities, tasks, options, choices and knowing that ‘something needs to change’ but with no real idea of where or how to start.


There doesn't seem to be enough time or space to focus on the things you want and need to do for you.


You feel like you’re on a constant hamster wheel giving it your all and when you’re not exhausting yourself by working so hard everyday, you’re paralysed by feelings of overwhelm or fear.


Next thing you know, 6 months have passed by and you’re still no further ahead – in fact you feel a whole lot worse.


My story isn’t much different to yours, before starting my coaching business, I was a Change professional. With a successful track record of delivering large-scale organisational Change and Transformation. But it wasn’t always easy or smooth sailing - it was actually bloody hard!


The journey to now wasn’t straightforward and at some points felt like an impossible (and over ambitious) dream that I’d never quite reach. That was until I got real with myself and faced some cold hard truth.


I couldn't keep it up. I was tired. I was exhausted. I was stressed. I lacked passion and I was no longer sure about my current career prospects.


I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I wanted to create more balance in my life. I wanted to live authentically and in alignment with the truest version of me. I wanted to be living out my purpose.


Problem was, I couldn’t figure out what that exactly looked like OR how to get there without it leading to more overwhelm, burnout or guilt.


It's why I’m here to help you get real with yourself, so you can figure out how to turn your life into a masterpiece, just like the many women I’ve worked with. Women who have gone on to achieve amazing results through change, transformation and a greater understanding of themselves.


Today, life couldn’t be more different – I’ve created a life that has given me the flexibility and freedom to help others in a way I’ve always wanted to. Help that I desperately needed when I was at that stage. This has been my ultimate joy and is what has me jumping out of bed each morning, eager to do.


I know it's scary and I know it's easy to put it off because it doesn't seem 'that important' - it is. Your happiness, your life and your work is important.


In my own case, even with the loftiest of ambitions - I managed to turn it all around and do it. Walking away from a well-paying job, career progression and the security I'd always known to absolutely living in my purpose and loving it! 


I’ve achieved more success than I thought was possible and I’m offering you the chance to do the same.

You're not alone. I can help.

Even if you’ve been trying to figure it out on your own for ages (in my case years) or you’ve got somethings figured out – others not so much. I can bet it’s taken you ages or at least far longer than you had hoped (or liked) to see the tiniest of changes. That’s slow and sometimes painfully so. What if I told you that it doesn’t have to be that way. I’ve worked with a lot of professional women, in corporate careers and some not - and believe it or not the same things come up over and over again. What do you want to do, be or have? It sounds really simple, right? But it’s far from it. Most women are unclear or unsure about what they truly want and how they can go about making it a reality. Which means they stay stuck in a cycle of confusion, inaction and so they barely make any progress at all. The result is frustration, overwhelm and fatigue. Does this sound familiar? Getting clear on what you want to achieve, lays the foundation for how you’re actually going to do it. With this is place is far easier for you to see where you’re going, so you that you can quickly navigate the challenges that arise as a result of your actions. And you want to be taking the action that makes a positive change or difference for you. That’s the difference between working so hard you’re at breaking point and taking advantage of the opportunities that will lead you towards a better future. A future you created for yourself. Most high-performing women become so overwhelmed by the decisions and choices that have to be made in life and work that they either try everything (like a scatter gun approach, hoping to hit the target) or they do nothing because fear, procrastination or guilt take hold… Which one are you?

What if you had a framework that eased your overwhelm and instead left you feeling invigorated, energised and ready to take inspired action?

With my help, Expansion will give you the ability to;

1 / Get Unstuck & Get Moving Again

So you can begin making an impact and seeing REAL progress on your personal or professional goals

2 / Make The Best Use of Your Energy

So you can take the right action at the right time, see results and achieve success without feeling overwhelmed

3 / Boldly Pursue Career or Personal Aspirations

So you can aim high and feel confident in your ability to advance your personal or career aspirations through a personal strategy made for you

4 / Find The Right Balance

So you can harmonize the most important areas of your life and have more free time, while still 'getting it all done'

5 / Align Vision With Action

So you can remove all the stress and fatigue involved in decision-making, and make changes with ease.

You'll be supported in a way that focuses on your individual needs & a tailored approach that provides the momentum you need to make forward strides.

Would any of this help you?


Your 18-week programme and the fastest route to the energised, happier and more vibrant you.

It’s the small steps that add up to the big ones. What most people need – especially those who are smart, ambitious and high-performing, are simple and easy steps to follow. Every single day.

When you're fast-approaching burnout (or already there), there's so much that we can do to change it but often, are just too exhausted or overwhelmed to begin.

You can be faced with a myriad of possibilities, but how do you know which is the right one? If you do nothing – it couldn’t get any worse…could it?


It can and it usually does – breaking point isn’t nice.


It can look like;

  • No clear direction, so you end up making choices or doing things that either don’t make the difference or set you back further

  • Quickly vanishing self-confidence and self-esteem, topped of with self-doubt for good measure

  • Huge amounts of overwhelm and fear around the next step(s), freezing you in place

  • Continuous cycles of frustration and procrastination, each one wearing you down even more

  • A scatter-gun approach, some of which works, but it's inconsistent and takes up valuable time and energy


You’ll never become happier, confident and enjoy a more fulfilling lifestyle this way.


This is why I created Expansion.


For women like you who don’t want to spend another 6 or 12 months stuck in a cycle of frustration and inaction.


Expansion is an 18-week programme, focused purely on giving you everything you need to make impactive progress and achieve results quickly, with ease and without feeling overwhelmed.


I’ve taken everything I’ve learned and packaged it up into an actionable step-by-step 18-week programme that will keep you on track, making progress and bringing you more consistent results than if you're doing it all on your own.

There’s 5 clear and simple pathways to walk-through and we’ll develop your personal approach and strategy…

…on things like how to get clear on your intentions so you can set your direction, how your mindset can be your most powerful enemy or most incredible ally, how you can develop a stronger and more resilient you, how you can create and sustain your own success and much, much more.

All of this is delivered live online, with plenty of offline support to keep you on track, accountable and always geared towards moving you forward, so you can experience the change you truly want. And guess what, you’ll go from feeling exhausted, burnt out and frustrated by your lack of progress to having more time and energy for the things you love, doing more of the things you want to do instead of what you have to do. And feeling more content, happier and assured than you can ever imagine. Imagine what difference this could make to your life?

Aloe Vera Plant

This is what I'll teach you...

How to develop the mindset you need to achieve your ultimate success 

Your mindset is the difference between staying stuck where you are and going further than before. You’ll build the strategies and tools needed to enhance your focus and switch to a growth mindset


We’ll work on developing the inner-you, so you can embrace your full potential 

How can you embrace new & exciting opportunities if something is in the way? We’ll get past any internal or external blockers, so you can uncover your own routes to happiness and fulfillment.


Do you really believe you can achieve it? 

There’s huge power in your beliefs. We’ll clarify your motivations and drivers, whilst challenging long-held beliefs that are hampering your progress.


Be unstoppable 

You’ll learn how to authentically align your intention and vision, with action. No more ‘pie in the sky’, you’ll create real change that brings you real results.


Bring it all together and create a long-lasting strategy 

We’ll pull it all together so you leave feeling well equipped and supported as you keep the momentum going long after the programme is finished.

And I’ll be showing you how to do all of this and more!

Wood Table Work Space

"You don’t know what you don’t know; but knowing is the difference between staying the same and making a change" – Bianca Marquez

What's included?

This is what you'll get when you join Expansion;


5 Clear Pathways

Everything you need to get yourself started to create the change you desire. This includes simple and easy strategies and tools which help you to make more progress by doing less.

Value: £3000


Access to learning & tools

Comprehensive guides and strategies from focusing on building confidence to developing leadership skills, all so you can operate with authority and credibility. And there’s a whole lot more.

Value: £2000


Weekly Support

With individual touch-points that ensure you’re making progress and taking the action that has the biggest impact, creating the most difference for you. 

Value: £1500

Typing on the Computer

Unlimited Access

A fabulous online dashboard, jam-packed with resources  geared for your success. Go at your own pace or revisit a module at any time, as many times as you like. 

Value: £1000

This is everything I've learned to date...

...and it’s everything I wish I’d known or figured out sooner.


I’ve spent thousands on learning, training, mentoring AND coaching. By sharing it all inside Expansion, I’m significantly speeding up your journey to success and the life you’ve been imagining.


In the last few years, I’ve helped women earn more money by landing the promotion of their dreams, get more time back in their day-to-day lives so they can spend more time with their loved ones and inspired some women to take life-changing decisions that has lead them to become happier and more fulfilled than they can ever remember being.


Whatever success looks like for you, I want you to know that it’s 100% available and open to you too, if you know how and have the attitude to do it.


I’ll walk you through my entire framework inside Expansion.


It’s the same framework that’s helped high-performing professional women, entrepreneurs and consultants go from struggling to make traction, to creating and unapologetically enjoying a life and career without fear or judgement – with more balance and in far less time than they ever thought was possible.


I’ll show you how, so you too can stop wishing and make your dreams a reality.

Wait there's even more...

I want to help you, but I also know how scary and daunting it can be to invest in yourself, especially when you’re not sure you’ll see results. That’s why when you join Expansion, I’m also including these bonuses worth over £1500


Bonus Workbooks

Yours to keep workbooks on key action steps, to make it even easier for you to implement change and achieve results.


Additional 2-week access to my support

To help you iron out any niggly bits or things that just aren’t working for you after the programme has ended.

Does this sound like you?

This programme is for you if you're;


  • Stuck and want to get the wheels turning again, but you’re not sure where to start or how

  • Tired of going it alone, you've been doing it for a while, but you’re still not anywhere near where you want to be

  • Overwhelmed by the changes you’re experiencing and you just want to get clear on your priorities, so you can make purposeful choices that help to move you forward in life and work

  • Plagued by self-doubt and it’s holding you back. You have ambitious goals and dreams, but you don’t have the confidence to go for it

  • Outgrown your current circumstances (life, career or job) and you’re struggling with ‘what next’

  • Exhausted, burnt out and overworked, you desperately want more balance in your life, but you feel guilty about what this could look like for those around you

How long will you wait?

Imagine where your life or career could be in 18-weeks or less, if you take bold action today.


Are you ready to achieve results?

Take the first step towards change and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of!

For just...

£2497 inc. VAT

You will get;

  • 18 weeks of key actions

  • Access to my Online Dashboard

  • Unlimited access to all my tools & strategies

  • Bonus workbooks

  • 2 weeks additional access to my support

Get on the list...

There's limited spaces, so be sure to get your name on the list!

I believe that smaller groups help create the right atmosphere to nurture the changes that each person goes through. It's also the best way for me to focus on the outcomes you want to achieve - bigger isn't always better.


I've done everything to make this as personalised and tailored as it can be - without working with me 1:1. 


Get ready to say goodbye to the burnout and exhaustion that’s keeping you from enjoying your life and work to rediscovering your energy, passion and motivation without feeling overwhelmed, stressed or guilty!

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